Friday, July 18, 2014


Current lifestyle and technology have reduced activities and encouraged junk food habits, resulting in childhood obesity at an alarming rate, especially in the urban population. In today’s day and age where there is fierce competition in every field, it is important to strengthen the fitness foundation of your child by helping them live an active and healthy life from an early stage. Daily, just 60 minutes of low to moderate intensity of physical activity benefits your child in the following ways:

Children develop cognitive skills, social skills, teamwork and bonding while playing. ‘For a child, play is serious learning. It is the work of childhood’ - Fred Rogers.

Physical activity helps control weight, strengthens bones, heart and checks  cholesterol and diabetes.

It improves your child’s Posture, Balance, Co-ordination, Strength and Endurance thereby contributing to their overall fitness.

Helps them have a sound sleep and also concentrate better.

Makes your child Confident, happy, energetic and develops a positive attitude making them ready to take on the challenges of their little world.

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